Monday, 21 May 2007

Chaptar 4

The planet Léon
Originally uploaded by viralbus.
The aleeon capchered Leon and made him get chickin pocs all over his fas and in his hare. He was very angry at the aleon so he got pumpa from erth. Pumpa and Léon batald the aleeon and Léon and pumpa had thot that they had wun but at the lasst minit the aleeon bload up Léon and Gordon came to save pumpa from the aleeon. Then Gordon and Pumpa were safe from the aleeon and just then the aleeon hit Gordon with a lazer and Léon was turnd into a planet cos the aleeon was evel!!!
(Find out what happens in Chapter 5 when Pumpa goes for help)

Saturday, 12 May 2007

HA AH HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have some Really GOOD jokes !!!!!!


Why did the Turkey cross the road?
A:To prove he was not a chicken.


Whats Black, Highly dangerous and lives in the trees?
A:Crow with a Machine Gun.


What did the pencil say to the sharpener?
A:Stop turning me and get to the point.


What did the 9-year-old kid do to make his tissue dance?
A:Put a little Boogie/Bogey on it